Life Skills Online Information Sheet

The Life Skills Online programme consists of eight modules and each participant will be assigned a supporter, who is a trained Aware volunteer. The purpose of the programme is to help participants learn practical skills to help them cope with life’s challenges. The supporter provides encouragement and feedback if the participant chooses to share any of their module work with them.

A little more about Life Skills Online

Life Skills Online is based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT is a therapy that focuses on thinking and behaviour and has been shown to be an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression. Our Life Skills Online programme was developed by a clinical team led by Dr John Sharry on the SilverCloud Platform which is distributed by SilverCloud Health.

Is the information I share with my supporter confidential?

Aware guarantees confidentiality within normal limits. This means that confidentiality is guaranteed except:

Aware’s confidentiality policy is in line with best practice, and ‘Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children’ (Department of Children and Youth Affairs, 2011).

Any information collected for research purposes may be used later in reports or publications. All the information used in any such publications and reports will be entirely anonymous and will simply involve summaries of numbers and possibly non-identifying quotes from questionnaires. We will never use personal information in any publications.

What do I do next?

To access the programme, please proceed to signup.

If you have any further questions or need further support please contact:

Telephone: 01 – 6617211
Address: Aware 9 Lesson Street Upper, Dublin 4.